West Swindon and The Lydiards Church Partnership


11. Wider Participation.

11.1 The Local Churches shall elect and nominate to the Partnership Council, members to serve on the representative bodies of the Parent Bodies. The Partnership Council (or Parochial Church Council in the case of the Anglican membership) shall hold ultimate authority for endorsing the nominations.

11.2 Partnership Council meetings shall be open to all members and held at least 4 times a year (as in 8.1 above).

11.3 The Council shall receive reports on the transactions of the Parent Bodies, and shall discuss and approve any resolutions that Council members wish to be presented to the Parent Bodies.

11.4 As required by Church of England Canon Law, the Parochial Church Council (PCC) shall comprise the Anglican members of the Partnership Council. In addition, membership of the PCC shall include other members of the Staff Team licensed by the Diocese of Bristol, and any Church Wardens, Deanery or Diocesan Synod representatives who are not otherwise members of the Partnership Council. Its special duties are outlined in The Synodical Government Measure 1969.

11.5 The Parochial Church Council shall delegate all of its responsibilities to the Partnership Council, except those precluded under the Canons of the Church of England. These responsibilities in particular relate to:

11.6 Each Local Church shall hold an open church meeting (members' meeting) at least four times in each year.

11.7 The Council shall elect one representative to serve on the Swindon Churches Together Ecumenical Council.

11.8 Other churches within the area may be invited at any time to apply for admission to membership of the Church Partnership. Applications shall be scrutinised and shall require approval by both the Partnership Council and the Sponsoring Body.

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