We, the members of the ecumenical congregations of the Church in West Swindon and the Lydiards, declare our readiness to commit ourselves to each other under God. Our earnest desire is to become more fully, in His own time, the One Church of Christ, united in faith, communion, pastoral care and mission, with those congregations in the Ecumenical Parish which are not yet able to subscribe to our constitution.
This constitution assumes that there will be a tradition of ministry which is fully integrated and as acceptable to all as the participating denominations permit.
In our congregational life, various traditions of worship will be shared, and there will be continuity of teaching and preaching by the ministers and approved lay leaders of the team. In the unity we seek we recognize that there will not be uniformity, but legitimate diversity.
United mission towards the people of the area will be undertaken. Our objective will be the continuing development of an integrated Christian community which will bear a united witness to the truths of the Gospel, serve the whole area in which it is situated, and maintain links with the wider Church.
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