West Swindon and The Lydiards Church Partnership


7. Ecumenical Ministry.

7.1 The Staff Team shall consist of the Ordained Clergy, Lay Ministers, Local Preachers and any others whom the Partnership Council may wish to appoint to the team, following reference to the Sponsoring Body. Current members of the Staff Team are listed in the Appendices to this Constitution.

7.2 Denominational procedures will be followed in the appointment of members of the Staff Team. The ‘Guidelines for the Appointment of Clergy to Local Ecumenical Partnerships’ agreed by the Sponsoring Body should also be followed.

7.3 Pastoral care of church members, regular church attendees and the wider community shall be the concern of the Staff Team and the Local Churches. They shall share this responsibility collaboratively, through locally appointed pastoral care teams.

7.4 Local Church members may be appointed to share with the Staff Team in leadership, either within Local Churches or within the Partnership. They shall be commissioned for their leadership role through prayer and laying of hands in the context of public worship.

7.5 Each Local Church shall have a named Minister, being a member of the Staff Team and designated by the Partnership Council.

7.6 Staffing Consultative Group. In accordance with CTE Constitution Guidelines the Group shall be consulted on the appointment of Ordained Clergy to the Staff Team. It shall also be consulted on other strategic staffing issues for the Partnership. The Group shall comprise :

Further details of representation and functions of this group are contained in the Standing Orders.

7.7 Ordained members of the Staff Team shall normally be appointed for an initial period of up to 7 years, depending on normal Parent Body practice. In the case of a Methodist Minister the initial period of appointment shall be 5 years.

Where a staff member has asked for a renewal and extension, there shall be a review process led by the relevant Parent Body, commencing 18 months before the scheduled end of the appointment.

7.8 Ordained members of the Staff Team shall be subject to the normal discipline of their ordaining Denomination.

Non ordained members shall be referred to an appropriate discipline process through the Sponsoring Body (Sect 5.10 above).

7.9 All Staff shall be authorised for ministry by all four Parent Bodies of the Partnership, according to their normal procedures. In that context :

7.10 Newly appointed members of the Staff Team shall be inducted and welcomed at a Service at which they, with other members of the Staff Team, members of the local churches and representatives of the Sponsoring Body, shall affirm / reaffirm the Declaration of Intent of the Partnership.

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