10.1 Each of the Local Churches of the Partnership shall operate separate financial accounts managed under the authority of the Local Church Committee. They shall support the Partnership to meet its obligations to Parent Bodies and common expenses.
10.2 Other organisations within the Partnership may also operate separate accounts, approved by Local Church Committees or by the Partnership Council.
10.3 The Partnership shall operate a central financial account managed by the Treasurer under the authority of the Council. This shall be used to meet common expenses, ministry costs, and denominational fees and costs.
10.4 The Council and Local Church Committees shall ensure that all accounts are managed according to the provisions of current charities legislation.
10.5 In consultation with local church Treasurers, the Partnership Treasurer shall determine the share of common costs to be met by each Local Church, which is then approved by the Partnership Council. In the case of any disagreement or dispute between the Partnership Council and any Parent Body concerning the amounts due to central funds, either party may seek guidance from the Sponsoring Body.
10.6 Both the Partnership accounts and consolidated Local Church accounts shall be presented to the Partnership Annual General Meeting for approval, following independent examination or audit as appropriate.
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